Potomac Institute Press
The Potomac Institute Press is a subsidiary of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Arlington, VA, USA. The Potomac Institute Press publishes original works addressing key contemporary issues in science, technology, healthcare, environment, national security and defense that are of interest to the academic community, government sector and general public alike. In this way, the Potomac Institute Press enables the Institute’s philosophy of providing important scientific, technical and policy information that is of high quality and remains independent and objective.
The Potomac Institute Press supports the overall mission of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies by identifying and aggressively shepherding discussion on key science, technology, and national security issues facing our society, providing in particular, an academic forum for the study of related policy issues. From these discussions and forums, meaningful policy options can be developed, and implemented at the intersection of business and government. The Potomac Institute Press seeks to publish scholarly books and monographs for the educated reader in science and technology forecasting, health care and health risk(s), environmental and ecological issues, ethical legal and social issues in emerging technologies, and national security and defense. In this way, we encourage the interest and participation of authors from several disciplines to contribute to an ongoing discourse.
Generally we are interested in publishing works that address:
Science: history, philosophy, progress, specific topics in nanoscience, neuroscience, public health, environment and ecological science as well as artificial intelligence and cyber-science.
Technology: developments, history, philosophy, specific topics in nanotechnology, neurotechnology, and applications in social, national and international affairs.
Ethics: bioethics, nano and neuroethics, environmental and ecological ethics, military and research ethics.
Policy: development, history, effects, specific topics in healthy policy, national security and defense intelligence.
Terrorism/Counter-terrorism:history, philosophy, ethics, methodologies, effects and specific topics including psychological approaches, law and intelligence.
Template for Precis/Proposal for Planned Books:
Any and all prospective authors and editors who seek to develop a concept for a book should utilize the precis/proposal template provided. Please download the template and complete all sections, using as much space and pages is necessary to fully define and detail your proposed book project.
Completed precis/proposals should be sent to:
Sherry Loveless, Potomac Institute Press, at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with a subject header of "Book Proposal."
Please click on the attachment below to access the precis/proposal template.