Board of Regents
Professor Yonah, Alexander, Ph.D.
Maj. Gen. Charles Frank Bolden Jr., (USMC-Ret.)
The Honorable Dr. H. Lee Buchanan
The Honorable Matthew P. Donovan
Lt. Gen. Timothy G. Fay, USAF (Ret)
LtGen George Flynn, USMC (Ret.)
The Honorable Donald M. Kerr, Ph.D.
The Honorable Zachary J. Lemnios
The Honorable Art (Arthur L.) Money
Admiral Robert J. Natter, USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Keith J. Stalder, USMC (Ret.)
The Honorable Dr. Kathryn Sullivan
The Hon. William McClellan “Mac” Thornberry
Lt. Gen. Donald C. Wurster, USAF (Ret.)
The Honorable John J. Young, Jr.